05 November 2010

MD/NYC/DC: part I

So we went on another road trip...

and this time it was more than just the two of us...

It started with a visit to the Jonses...

just 4 hours away to Virginia and we find little MD!

It's been since she was 3 months old that we were with Mary Deane last. She has certainly grown to a beautiful girl.
She is so talkative and happy and alert! We were glad to spend time with her. We couldn't keep the camera off her...
I was simply amazed at her maturity—She gracefully battles Cystic Fibrosis sas if it were a normal aspect of every 2-year-old's life. I watched as she her little nebulizer to her face all by herself and read her book just fine. She enjoys cartoons while being thumped and knows her colors like the back of her hand. She's a little grown-up in that little body and I think her personality may come from her fine parents—
it was a treat to be with ALL you Jonses! Thanks for your generous hospitality.

(Speaking of which—if you happen to live near our old stomping grounds of Provo, I hear there's a little benefit going on to help fund the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Run over with a few extra bones if you get a chance—the funds will greatly help little ones like MD and you get breakfast too!)

trip to be continued...

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful time, and little MD is adorable. What a trouper! My cousin has CF, and the good news is that the prognosis for those who have it looks better and better. She is 36 and has a child of her own now. Those with CF need support from all of us. It's absolutely a worthwhile cause!
